Minecraft crochet wolf

I also made a wolf, this was a lot faster to make however the job is not as good-wolf is hard to make. Also the ‘mane’ of the wolf didn’t really come out as well as I had hoped. Currently the wolf is a bit confused as he is only stable as a begging wolf yet I haven’t tamed him yet. I’m going to tame him when I get home from holiday. I just ran out of time. He’s got a nice (if slightly twisted) face and I’m really impressed with the brown I found. Mostly he really just has the vibe of the minecraft wolf rather than being a direct anatomically correct copy.

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6 Responses to Minecraft crochet wolf

  1. kimberley says:

    He looks a friendly sort of wolf and one easily tamed. I’m liking all these animals – easy care, low food cost, no mess – do they have chickens?

  2. Jeremy says:

    That’s really cool! You seem to be doing well (you’d said you don’t crochet much) did you use a pattern, or did you just make up the design?

    • nzescapades says:

      I’ve made these two things and one other thing. I didn’t use a pattern I just looked up the techniques I wanted to work-mainly on youtube and other peoples blogs then just went for it. I did a lot of unpicking.

      • Jeremy says:

        Youtube… about the most useful thing on the internet! (I use it to confirm if I’ll like a band before I buy music). Youtube is how my brother found out about Minecraft, and introduced me to it.

  3. Pingback: Minecrafters Anonymous « Jeremy's Random Adventures

  4. Neila says:

    This is amazing!!! You’re from New Zealand too!??! I was looking for something Minecraft Wolf related. You’re really talented if you made that from scratch!!! Jealous!!!

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